Tuning Forks: Mind, Body & Spirit Cleanse (In Person)


Tuning forks are a beautiful way to start a session as the frequencies move so deeply and quickly into the system which really opens up the channels to deeply receive energy healing afterwards. The forks also have a powerful ability to get to the root of many physical and emotional blockages. They are incredibly precise like laser beams of high frequencies shooting directly into the body and energy. ⁣

During the tuning fork sessions clients have been experiencing instant pain relief, relaxation, emotional release, physical releases and shifts happening in the body. Many also experience the third eye opening, seeing visuals, colours and patterns. During the session I often channel light language through my voice and use my hands to assist in any clearings. It is a multi-dimensional healing, connecting to all levels of being.

I work with over 20 forks and each one has a specific frequency relating to parts of the body and energy including the womb space. One part of the process is to use certain forks to find areas of dissonance where you can literally hear pains, old injuries and low vibrations with the forks.  You can also hear the shift in the vibrations once the forks have done a clearing.

If you have been suffering with long term pain I strongly suggest trying this alongside energy healing as they go so well together. It is vibrational medicine. It is not hard to believe how this can assist us so deeply as we are all made of vibrations. Every single thing in the Universe is made of vibrations. We are swimming in an ocean of frequencies constantly. When we use high vibrational frequencies in this intentional way we are able to retune the body, mind and spirit back to the optimum frequencies, our natural state of harmony. 

LOCATION Southbourne, Dorset

1 HOUR 15 MINS £100

Please note, this is an incredible additional session to work alongside an energy healing or sound session as it truly deepens the healing process

“I met Josie for the first time last month and had the full energy healing and sound session with the tuning forks as an add-on. I believe that what Josie touches, a path of gold lies before them. I had been expecting a seismic shift after all I’d heard, but boy, I hadn’t really considered the enormity of “seismic”, that said, in my case I was calling for it. Josie wields a deep and magical healing power. My feet still haven’t quite touched the ground more than one month later. I can’t wait for my next visit

— Sudeshna, January 2020