Inner Child Healing: Gratitude

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I am not sure where to start as I feel overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion today, so I will just see what flows from my heart. Last night 160 beings joined me online to journey deep into the inner child. My mum was in there receiving too which meant so much to me. I guided everyone to connect with themselves on a soul level and took them on a journey from earth, to source, to the womb, to childhood, to teenage years, to now. It was incredibly deep and I felt like I was with everyone every step of the way. The feedback I have been receiving since has shown how present spirit truly was in supporting our healing. Many experienced deep physical healing reactions, emotional shifts and insights. I am in awe of spirit and I am beyond grateful for the constant guidance and support that spirit brings. To help others connect to themselves and spirit in this way is something I do not take lightly. ⁣

I had strong divine guidance to birth this offering and when it sold out in 24 hours it showed me the pure resonance of this message, and just how necessary it is right now as we navigate these huge shifts. Some of our deepest wounds are within the inner child and these wounds can keep us stuck if we do not move through them with love. My wounded inner child has a fear of being seen and she was scared to upgrade the software to allow for more people to join the session. However, I asked myself how can I allow this wound to keep me small and more importantly let it get in the way of others receiving healing? I had to witness my inner child with absolute love. I told her she would be safe to be seen and that she has an important message to be shared to help others. I am so happy I expanded my account for all to join because last night showed me how needed this is and how much we can all benefit from doing inner child work. ⁣

We all have an inner child. No matter what age you are, you will always have this child within your sub-conscious. It is the part of you that is innocent, playful and creative. We can feel this purity and innocence so easily around children. That is why we feel so in awe of them and why we feel so nourished when we are around them. It is important to remember this purity is within you too, it never goes away. You were once a child. However, this innocence is often taken too young as we all experience minor and major trauma in our lives. Whether we remember painful experiences or not, our body does and our subconscious does. These inner child wounds can sit within us and disrupt the way we live our lives now as adults. Your wounded inner child may escape or self-medicate through drugs, alcohol, running away or staying in an emotionally reactive place. When all that vulnerable part of you needs is to be heard and seen. All your inner child needs is unconditional love and nurture. If you are willing to recognise this and notice when your inner child is just trying to get your attention, then you can create huge shifts in your emotional wellbeing, your relationships and your life. ⁣

Become your own nurturer. Don’t wait for anyone else to tell you what you need or how worthy you are. Embody the pure love of the Divine Mother. Her fierce, infinite love is all around you. She is the cosmic womb in which we all come from. She is the divine feminine and she is within us. We just have to choose to embody this love and feed it to ourselves. We have to give our inner child the time and space he or she needs to feel validated and loved exactly as they are. We tend to push our past selves away in shame, guilt, anger or grief. Not realising that all of those parts of ourselves are what make us who we are today. Our burdens can become our greatest blessings. Our pains can push us into becoming the most strong and powerful beings, with a purpose to change the world in our own way.

 I cried many tears yesterday in the build up to holding the session. Not tears of pain. They were tears of gratitude which is always a really deep feeling that words can’t really do justice. I also felt tears of recognition for how far I have come to be able to now hold this space for others. I felt tears of recognition of the pain others are carrying. I have been working with my inner child for many years and I have had to sit with her raw pain so many times but through the support of beautiful healers, plant medicines and spirit, I have been able to bring healing to my inner child wounds. My heart feels full of forgiveness, compassion and acceptance now at this point in my journey. I am beyond grateful for the pains and the gifts I have encountered along the way in my life. It has not been easy but it has made me the person I am now. I have chosen to turn my pains into my enlightenment, and with that it has enabled me to help others with a depth of compassion and understanding. I see that I have been initiated so deeply into this work and I would not have had it any other way. I look forward to sharing a monthly online inner child healing session with those who feel the call.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Rum⁣i


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