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Online Offering ▽ Energy Healing: Mind, Body & Spirit Cleanse

Energy Healing: Mind, Body & Spirit Cleanse

Sound, Guided Journey, Energy Healing & Light Language

Monday 20th July (New Moon in Cancer)

7.00pm-8.30pm BST (UK)

Live via ZOOM


A new week aligns with a powerful New Moon in Cancer - the perfect opportunity to cultivate these potent energies to ignite a deep cleanse and activation in mind, body and spirit. New Moon energies support us to move forward with our plans, dreams and new beginnings. As we start this new cycle, it will be a magical time to cleanse anything that is holding you back, replenish your energy and create space within to invite in all that serves your highest good.

Join me from the comfort of your own sacred space for a nourishing evening devoted to you receiving in every level of your being. I will guide you within to connect deeply with yourself, spirit and the Universe. Through guided journeying, energy work, healing sounds and channeled light language transmissions - you will connect with your body, energy and chakras to release stagnant energies and invite radiant life force to flow.

Bringing greater awareness to your energy is a simple yet profound way to reclaim your power and get to know yourself on a deeper level. I passionately believe that looking after our energy is just as integral to our health and wellbeing as looking after our physical body through exercise and a good diet. Over the years, I have experienced first hand how transformational energy healing has been for myself and others. I have been shown time and time again that when we connect to Source energy it truly meets us where we need to be met. It is divine intelligence. It will locate and address the areas within your being that need nourishment and replenishment. It will open your heart and mind in a natural yet divine way. It is to be experienced to be truly understood.

The beautiful gift of energy healing is that we do not have to be together in the physical. We can connect through time and space, wherever you are in the world. Simply tune in, lie down and allow my voice, the sounds and the energies to guide you. It is when we close our eyes and go within that we can drop into the heart, hear the whispers of our soul and reach higher states of consciousness. During the session people often experience physical sensations, emotional releases, visions or insights. No experience is necessary as I will guide you through the entire journey.

I can’t wait to connect with you for this powerful healing activation…

Much Love

Josie X


Tiered Ticket Options // £10.00 - £15.00 - £20.00 - £25.00

I am offering tiered ticket options in exchange for this session. Please choose whichever tier feels right and suitable for you in this moment. I am so grateful for your support.

If your contact email address is different to your Paypal email, please ensure you write your correct email in the notes box upon booking your ticket - as I will be sending the event link to the email you booked with via Paypal, unless you specify otherwise in the notes.

Please note, you will not receive a confirmation upon booking, but your Paypal payment confirms your place. I will send out the link and prep email to all who have booked on the morning of the event, and if you book on the same day as the event then you will receive the link/prep email that afternoon :)

Please note, the deadline for booking is 3.00pm Monday 20th July 2020

If you are unable to attend please specify ‘Recording’ in the Paypal notes upon booking and I will send you the recording to do afterwards



Please find a calm, comfortable place for the session so you can surrender and relax into the experience as much as possible. You may want to lie on your bed so you can be cosy or if you have a mat, blanket and pillow that is wonderful

You may want to prepare your space with a candle and incense/oil burner

Please wear headphones or use a speaker to help with sound quality and to ensure you get the best from your experience

Please avoid caffeine a couple of hours prior to the session

Please avoid alcohol on the day of the session

The healing session will take place via Zoom video call. I will send an email out on the day with the meeting link which will take you straight to the session if you are joining on your desktop.

If you are joining via mobile you will need to download the Zoom application beforehand. Here are the easy instructions for downloading Zoom on your mobile

Feedback From Previous Online Sessions

“I experienced a full body rush at the end as you sang, beautiful.”

“Deepest, deepest thanks to you Josie. So beautiful, deep and nurturing as always. Felt so deep! I had flashes of visions but they came and went so fast”

“Thank you so much Josie for the beautiful healing session with you last night! Wow I had so many flashes and I could see a very light blue colour when I was closing my eyes!”

“Thank you very much for tonight. I felt a very strong and bright pink light in my heart. It feels absolutely beautiful. Can’t thank you enough for this amazing feeling in my heart.” 

“Darling Josie, this was the best sound healing I’ve ever had. It was so calming. I did get freezing cold and was glad of my heating blanket - but for me this is often a sign of release or a spirit.”

“It was lovely to connect with you last night, it was amazing. I’ve never experienced healing like that before. I’ve had lots of healing sessions but yours felt so different with all the combinations of your work in one session. I really loved it.”

“Your voice is the most soothing sound I’ve heard, it actually brings me to tears!”

“This was wonderful. I’ve just finished my second time through, and it has been immensely powerful. It felt like my heart was beaming love to so many people, to the earth, and it’s so needed right now. It made that feeling of helplessness dissipate, and gave me a sense of purpose and intention that I know I will carry with me through the day today and onward. It feels like what my body, my heart, my loved ones, my friends, strangers I don’t even know, and the earth itself needs right now.”

“That was incredible, thank you. It’s amazing how powerful the sound and vibration is over the video, I go to a different place when I get to experience your sound therapy.”

“That was an absolute roller coaster. Tears straight away from feeling so held, loved and worthy. So beautiful. My sacral chakra was receiving all sorts of magic (stars, rainbows and birds). My head had a tornado swirling so fast within in, amazing! So cosmic and trippy, the bowls really do send me somewhere.”

“For the first time I was able to ‘feel’ while in a relaxing state, you helped to connect deeply. I finished the session crying of joy. “

“Felt very deep emotions bubbling up, ending with some discomfort in my arms and back. Amazed how powerful it can be when not in person.”

“Last night was simply magical. It went so deep, my organs started to react to the sounds. The light language was super powerful. My bowel was lazy and blocked and during the healing it started to make incredible contractions. This continued for another 3 hours after the healing. I started to massage it. I felt truly energised and at peace today. I set an intention at the beginning and the emotions moved. Very liberating. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your gift.”

“Josie that was the most incredible healing in the world. Thank you with all my heart and soul.”

“Thank you so much for the session. I honestly didn’t expect it to translate digitally but I felt every moment. I had vibrations, like a numbness, at one point I zoned out and came back with a feeling in my throat to you saying we were moving through the throat. Incredible.”

“Darling that was so so special. I felt so much energy in my womb the whole time and towards the end I left my body and was just pure consciousness existing in the universe. It showed me the true nature of who we really are. Once again you are the beautiful soul that guides me to my true self.”

“Last night was amazing, I was having so many visions. Had a really good nights sleep with finally some nice dreams.”

“Wow, Josie last night was incredible. I went so so deep, it was like you were here in my room with me. Some stuff came up from my past that I know I need to let go of. I feel so grateful that it came up in such a safe and healing space. Thank you so much, you are so gifted - an angel on earth.”

‘It was so beautiful and healing. I felt a lot around my throat and my whole body was tingling. Then again on the third eye and crown space.”

'‘Josie that was incredibly powerful. I felt beautiful waves of vibration, warming energy through my heart. My angels were there with me and holding me. I strongly felt their presence. I feel all the love. Thank you.”

July 6

Online Offering ▽ Heart Activation: Return To Love

July 27

Sound Healing // The Penthouse Suite, The Mandrake Hotel