Light Language Transmissions: New Earth
Josie Danielle is a sound healing artist and intuitive energy healer based in London & Dorset UK. She had an intense awakening to her healing abilities in 2011 which led her on a path of self-discovery and transformation as she followed her true calling. She launched her healing practice in 2014 and has devoted her life to being in healing service to the divine and therefore humanity ever since.
Josie has always had a natural connection to music which deepened when she learned electronic music production in 2012. Music has always been a way for her to express her emotions and channel her sensitivity. Over the last 4 years she has been weaving sound healing instruments into her practice and has been intuitively guided to use her voice as a healing tool. She channels light language which brings a unique and powerful healing element to her offerings. Light language is a way for spirit to channel into the physical. It is here to raise our consciousness and ignite a deep remembrance within. It is here to awaken and activate. It goes beyond the human mind to communicate with the soul. Now in 2020 as we are in the midst of a profound awakening on our planet she has been guided to birth her healing sounds into the world. Josie bridges her affinity with music and her connection with spirit to share deeply emotive and otherworldly transmissions for all to receive. Her soulful voice combined with channeled light language evoke a deep response in the heart.
Her first album ‘Light Language Transmissions: New Earth’ released on 11.8.2020 (Lions Gate Portal) and births her series ‘Light Language Transmissions’ which will bring a new album each year. It was recorded in her healing space in her East London home during lockdown. As the world paused in the midst of a global pandemic she was guided to go deep within and channel these sacred transmissions to ignite healing. There are 11 transmissions on the album and each one holds channeled light codes and celestial melodies to activate the soul and awaken the heart. The entire album is created with her voice, aside from the final transmission which is supported by her alchemy crystal bowls. She was guided to use only her voice to show the healing power of the human voice and how it is an expression of the divine. This album is not only here to be listened to with your ears, it is here to be felt and received with every cell of your being. Close your eyes and receive the light.
“Your music feels like an inexplicably powerful embrace. I don’t have enough words to thank you for sharing your gifts.”
“I experienced a full body rush as you sang, beautiful.”
“Your voice is the most soothing sound I've heard, it actually brings me to tears.”
“Wow! You have a beautiful voice...it's so 'otherworldly' you took me somewhere very special.”
“I always go very deep listening to the light language, your voice. It is a travel into a different space. Thank you.”
“That song you channeled, my eyes started rolling back in my head and then my whole head started shaking. For a second I thought it was going to explode and then I just saw an aquamarine light. It was so intense.”
“You can feel the angels through your voice. I have had unbelievable experiences and always have a deep connection when you sing. Thank you for sharing your songs.”

“Your light language is truly amazing. I can’t describe how powerful it is...it made my cry and feels like a forgotten song from home. I can’t even describe in words how I am feeling but it gets straight to my soul and my body is vibrating while I listen to you.”
“The song was so powerful and profound, it brought me to my knees. I knelt before something so much greater and felt transformed, preparing for something. From my heart, thank you.”
“That song was insanely powerful. I went somewhere else and my whole body was pulsing and twitching.”
“During your amazing song I found myself in an ancient village, hot and dusty, full of women and we were all calling/singing out to one another while we worked, it was stunning.”