Womb Healing: Coming Home


Through my own personal journey healing my womb and my divine feminine, I have been guided to work closely with women through womb work and it has been the most powerful couple of years as this journey continues to unfold and deepen in ways I never imagined were possible. Womb work means so much to me as it has changed my life so it is such an honour to finally create the space to announce my one to one womb healing offering and give it a proper introduction.⁣

Womb work has truly been a gift from the divine. In a plant medicine ceremony with Mother Ayahuasca 2 years ago I received messages that I must work with the womb and that I hold codes to bring healing to the divine feminine on earth. I was told I must step up to my calling right now and in doing so I would heal my own womb in preparation for my child to come. “Remember’” spirit told me again and again. “Remember! This is what you came here to do!” Since then life has never been the same. It is like a part of me returned. A truth revealed to me that had always been there but it had to be the right time for the veils to lift. I was so wounded in my feminine that I could never see it before that moment, even though it was staring me in the face. I had often felt called to receive womb healing myself but it never aligned when I tried to find someone to work with. Now it makes sense as if I had gone to see someone else first, I may never have believed the message as strongly. It came as such an unexpected surprise in the ceremony that it was undeniable and my heart knew in an instant it was absolute truth. It was a full body remembrance. I had no choice but to surrender to it and it grounded into my life so rapidly post ceremony. After years wandering when the right feminine healer would come into my life, I found her. I found her in the medicine and the medicine helped me to see that everything I was looking for was already inside and also within all of the women who are guided to work with me. After years of suffering with painful wounds in my feminine and after many years of self-work leading up to that first ceremony in preparation, I remembered my truth.

Since then it has been a wild ride working with the womb, the power of this sacred portal has blown my mind multiple times and will continue to do so. Aligning with my soul sister Felicity and birthing @wombawakeninguk together just weeks after that ceremony was such a natural and flowing process which was divinely orchestrated and it has been the same ever since. A synchronistic journey full of synergy and magic. I am beyond grateful to walk this path alongside Felicity and all of the women who who have been called to do this work. However, it is not an easy path to walk. I feel like I am continually going through initiations as I work through layer upon layer of conditioning, shadows, ancestral trauma and shame from my womb space but it is worth it and I would do it all again in a heartbeat to be where I am now, and I know I still have many more initiations to come. I am doing this for those who came before me and those who are yet to come and that keeps me going. The gifts and transformation that comes from delving this deep are enough to make me certain in every cell of my being that this is the right path to be walking. ⁣

It makes sense that spirit said I would heal my own womb whilst holding space for others to do the same. Stepping up to this part of my mission has catapulted me into the deep-end in terms of my own feminine healing, which is exactly what I needed. I have found this to be true for many light workers. We are not doing this because we are ‘pure’ beings. Many of us choose to walk this path because we know pain, suffering and darkness. We devote ourselves to helping others because we know that the light always prevails as we have experienced the dance between darkness and light, time and time again. We would be waiting a long time to help others if we were waiting to be ‘healed’ as there is no such thing. ⁣

When I look back over the last 6 years in my healing practice it comes as no surprise that the majority of clients who were guided to me have been women and most of the work we were doing was in the feminine and womb space. Upon reflection I realised that I have been in training for womb work my entire life. Through my own wounds and trauma. Through my experience holding space for others. The disconnection and pain that I carried that made me doubt how I could hold this space for women was actually the reason how I can do it with such a depth of understanding and compassion. This was always the divine plan, I was just the last to know on a conscious level. Things unfold at the right time, when we are ready to ground it in. I came off the contraceptive pill 8 years ago in 2012 after a spiritual awakening as I wanted to let my body and cycle come back into natural harmony. That is when my journey with my womb really kicked off. It was like all of the pain that I had been carrying around which had been pushed down by the pill and the toxic lifestyle I had been living suddenly had an opening to come up to surface. It was some of my darkest moments in those years and since then it has been a deep journey healing my womb and the feminine wounds that had manifested in the physical. I have so much to share about my womb journey. It has been profound. It has taken me to the darkest depths and also to the most divine places I did not know were possible.

Since the medicine ceremony 2 years ago and stepping up to hold this space for other women, I have experienced initiation after initiation. I have remembered past lives in Egypt where I was a womb priestess. I have reclaimed the codes and memories from that lifetime to assist me with this work now and it has taken things to a new level. I have witnessed my menstrual blood completely change as I worked through specific emotional blockages which enabled life force to return to my womb and therefore my blood to shift. I have witnessed physical changes in my womb, yoni and skin whilst I purged ancestral blockages and inner child pain. I have found answers to questions I have always wanted to know. I have been able to understand myself, my shadows and my light in a way I have never been able to before. I have gone on a year long journey with a wonderful healer and homeopath working deeply with energetic remedies to purge my womb and system of past trauma and pain, which has meant FEELING it all. Through all of this I have been through some of the darkest and hardest times, but each time I rise again higher and stronger than ever before. For this is the gift of womb work. It brings you home to your truth. I have never felt closer to my true essence. I have never felt more connected to my feminine power. I have never felt more connected to my gifts and my ability to share them and express them has never felt more flowing. I can’t even imagine what is still to come, but for now I just want to say, I am here with open arms to hold space for any women who feel called to journey into the magic of the womb space. The journey is unique for everyone but one thing is for certain, it is a journey of coming home.

It is an absolute honour to be in healing service to the divine feminine and I truly cant wait to meet you in this beautiful way if womb work is calling you 🌹⁣

Much Love



Oneness: Mother Earth Song


Self-Hate: Returning To Love