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Divine Mother Ceremony: Cacao & Sound (Online)


Saturday 16th April (Full Moon)

11.00am-12.30pm BST

Online (Recording will be sent to all & will be available until 30th April 2022)


20% will be donated to Voices of Children Foundation to support children affected by war. Today, during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, they are providing non-stop assistance to affected children and families from all over the country, providing emergency psychological assistance, and assisting in the evacuation process

**Please note, this was originally happening on 3rd April but I have rescheduled it to 17th April


Mamas you are invited to join me from the comfort of your own space for a nurturing ceremony in devotion to you receiving. You will be nourished in mind, body, heart, womb and spirit through heart opening medicine cacao, divine connection and the healing power of sound.

There is a great power in coming together with other mothers to heal. Our hearts long for this tender connection as we navigate the profound transformation motherhood brings. Our body yearns for this holding as we are so used to holding others. Our nervous system is crying out for grounding energy and life force. Together we will go on a journey within and connect with the eternal love of the Great Mother. This is about coming into the Mother frequency for yourself. Mothers need to be mothered too.

The spirit of cacao is known as Mama Cacao as she holds a feminine, motherly energy. Cacao truly opens the heart space, activating a greater sense of love, truth and connection with ourselves, others and the world around us. I have worked with Cacao for years in my healing practice for myself and others but I found her medicine to be exceptionally potent throughout my postpartum journey when I witnessed such profound shifts in my energy. I feel her calling for me to bring her to other mamas in sacred space so it is my deep honour to share this with you. She is a wise teacher. A keeper of ancient, sacred wisdom.

Our ceremony will close with a dreamy sound healing. An invitation for you to lie down and integrate whilst you are bathed in crystalline healing frequencies and light language channeled through my voice. Sound is a powerful healing gateway which speaks to every cell in our body and raises our consciousness, allowing us to open in a way that is effortless yet profoundly deep.

As a highly sensitive and empathic being who spent most of my days connecting with energy and sound before I birthed my baby, I have deeply craved energetic healing postpartum. I felt how my energy was out of alignment and how it impacted me in day to day life. On the occasions I have been able to receive spiritual healing from others and carved out time to do it for myself, I have experienced profound shifts in every level of my being. This has made me feel extremely passionate about holding this space for other mothers to receive the power of spirit, energy and sound as I know how nourishing and transformative it can be.

I can’t wait to share this love filled experience with you if it calls you.

Much Love

Josie X


This ceremony is aimed at mothers of children under three years old who are seeking spiritual connection and healing. This could be an opportunity for you to take 90 minutes for yourself to deeply surrender and receive healing light if you have support. However, you are also welcome to soak up the ceremony along with your baby/child. This is your personal experience so you can flow with it in your own way for you and your family. Also, although this particular offering is aimed at mamas of babies/toddlers/young children as I will be focusing on the initial postpartum stages, please know that all mamas are welcome. Trust the calling if you have found yourself here. All mamas need to receive. I welcome you all with an open heart and trust completely in the souls guided to ceremony.




I have added 10 spaces at a reduced rate for any mamas who need it

Please use code ‘DIVINEMAMA’ at checkout for 30% discount

Please see ceremonial cacao information and preparation guidance below


If you would like to have ceremonial cacao I advise you to order it soon to ensure it arrives in time for our ceremony. The packets usually come with 400-500 grams of cacao. However, you will only require 20-40 grams for the ceremony (depending on how strong you would like it - I will guide you more on this in your booking confirmation) but it will be beautiful to continue connecting with this divine heart medicine in your own time so it would certainly be a worthwhile investment. It is one of my most trusted plant allies and I am so excited to share the heart opening experience with you. Please note, it is not essential that you have cacao for the ceremony - only if it feels right for you. If you are breastfeeding then I advise you to start with a lower dose to notice how your baby responds first.

Recommended Ceremonial Cacao (Please note, if you are new to ceremonial cacao most places below offer various sizes so you could always opt for the smallest to try first) Trust whichever way your heart is guided


Please note, ceremonial doses of Cacao are not recommended for any of the following cases. Please let me know if any are experiencing allowing of the following;

  • You are taking antidepressants (Cacao contains MAO inhibitors)

  • You have a serious heart condition

  • You have very high blood pressure

  • You suffer from epilepsy

  • You are pregnant (You should only have a small amount)

  • Please ensure you speak to your doctor if you are considering taking ceremonial doses of Cacao in any of the above cases


Optional Ingredients (You can literally just make your cacao with filtered water or you can add in extra elements to create more depth, sweetness or spice depending on what you are craving)

Rose Water

Oat or Coconut Milk (I use Rude Health brand as it is made with pure ingredients)

Organic Honey or Dates/Date Syrup

Himalayan Salt

Coconut Oil (This helps the digestive system and makes it more creamy)



First you need to decide on your dose and weigh it out ready for ceremony. A ceremonial dose is around 35-40g of raw cacao. You are welcome to reach out to me if you would like any further advice. Personally, I change up my dose each time I drink cacao depending on what I am doing in the ceremony and how I am feeling that day. Tune into your heart if you are not sure and trust the amount which comes forward. You know yourself better than anyone. I find 25g to be a beautiful dose which I can recommend if you are not sure. It seems to be the perfect sweet spot for a deeply healing experience but not too intense/activating on the physical body.

I tend to make my cacao around an hour before ceremony and put it straight into a heat flask to keep it warm until I am ready to pour it into my favourite mug during ceremony. However, you could also make your cacao just before our ceremony so that it is warm when we drink it. Some people like to have it cold but I feel there is a sensual beauty to cacao when she is warm, and receiving her into the heart and body in this way is like receiving a warm hug

  • Weigh your desired dose of cacao

  • Finely chop your desired dose of cacao with a sharp knife or use a grater

  • Put your cacao into a saucepan and add the desired amount of water (Around 100-150ml should be enough or use your chosen mug as a reference point)

  • Alternatively you can also put your desired amount of cacao into the saucepan as it is in a block and allow it to melt into the water gradually as you stir whilst it heats

  • Whilst you are gently stirring your cacao on a medium heat (do not allow it to boil) it is a divine time to infuse your cacao with love, prayer, blessings, song, intention... If you are not sure then play soothing, love filled music.. Imagine you are infusing the medicine with the most loving, heartfelt intention which will be received by your entire being in the ceremony

  • Add any spices and desired sweetener to taste ​(My favourite combination is adding Rose Water and Local Organic Honey for the ultimate feminine sweet elixir. However, it is also said Cacao and Vanilla are a powerful combination. Cinnamon is also tasty. Trust in your own desires and tastes. Cacao is also beautiful on it's own with water as you can really tune into the pure and powerful taste)

  • If you feel called to add plant milk to your elixir you could use oat milk or coconut milk which would make it creamy and more subtle

  • In terms of sweetener I advise either honey, maple, agave or coconut sugar

  • Once it has all melted down into the water by using a whisk or wooden spoon and you have a consistency you like you can take off the heat

  • Please avoid adding dairy or unrefined sugars


  • Please find a comfortable place for the ceremony which has good wifi connection and ideally where you will not be disturbed

  • I invite you to create a beautiful, calm environment for our connection. A space which enables you to feel safe and held. Light candles. Burn incense or essential oils. Create an altar with sentimental items, photos, crystals, flowers, leaves, nature magic and anything else which calls you​

  • Please ensure you bring headphones to ensure the best sound quality and immersive experience as it makes a huge difference

  • You may want to lie down on your bed to receive the sound healing part or use a yoga mat/sofa/comfortable place elsewhere - the most important thing is that you feel relaxed so you can surrender into the experience

  • I advise you to avoid caffeine completely or at least a few hours before the session

  • Please avoid alcohol on the day of the session

  • Please bring your journal and pen as we will be exploring questions throughout

  • Bring water to stay hydrated throughout the ceremony as cacao is a diuretic and often ignites cleansing in every sense​

  • Offering for the ceremony for Great Mother/Mother Earth - Allow your intuition to guide you in terms of what you will bring as your offering. An example could be flowers, leaves, shells, food, crystals, herbs

  • Offering for your mother/ancestors/maternal line


First and foremost, I am a mother to my magical 1 year old daughter Violet. I absolutely love motherhood and the profound transformation and healing it continues to bring. Before I birthed Violet into the world I devoted my life to being in healing service to the divine and therefore humanity. After taking 13 months off to honour my journey into birth and motherhood, I am now in healing service again and navigating my soul work with motherhood. I have been yearning to sit in sacred space with other mothers which has led me to create this space for other mothers to receive. I have created this because it is what I have craved along my journey. I could not find a space for mothers to connect in a spiritual ceremony in this way so I knew this was the a sign that I am here to create it. It is my great honour to share this with you.

Each ceremony will be a weaving of tools and practices I have been sharing over the past 8 years since I birthed my healing practice into the world in 2014 - including energy healing, sound, womb work, light language, Maiden to Mother rite of passage support, cacao medicine, ceremony. I will combine my experience working closely with women at every stage of the journey in my practice, along with my own embodied experience becoming a mother to hold a non-judgemental and compassionate space.

March 26

Divine Mother Healing Ceremony

July 25